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We have an advisory position to align with the customer the demand requirements he needs, either through call or in person;
In this step we define: the technical and personal competences, organizational culture and other information, in order to carry out a clear and assertive search.



We are highly specialized in the recruitment and selection of high and middle management professionals, mapping the ideal candidate for your project through agile and disruptive methodologies.

After the stage of alignment with the client, we study the niche market and strategies to adopt with our internal research team, which will conduct proactive interviews and digital bank organization. Our team has as main tool the hunting, entering in competitive structures and approaching the candidates with greater agility.
Our team of senior advisors is highly trained in performing competency interviews and applying the most disruptive online assessment tools on the market;
The Log RH headhunter team is also comprised of psychologists with mastery of key behavioral tests and experience in developing very detailed technical advice so that the client has a reliable analysis of the profile of the candidates and the results that it can lead to the Organization.
We deliver the best mapped candidates on the market together with their opinions;
We follow the process to the end with the client;
We certify that all candidates who participated in the process have feedback on the completion of the process and its performance.
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